Why sponsor the NHLA Liberty Dinner?
The NHLA is a unique organization - perhaps one of a kind in its nonpartisan love for liberty. Volunteers work hard to educate those who represent us by reviewing legislation and testifying in public hearings. At the Statehouse, we distribute the Gold Standard, encouraging representatives to protect our freedoms. Annually, we produce the Liberty Rating - a report card that helps us determine which legislators treasure liberty most. However, all of this is for naught if the best candidates aren't elected.
Please contact us to learn more about sponsorship, or, go ahead and purchase a sponsorship right now!
Diamond Level Sponsorship
Diamond Level Sponsorship
FIRST TWO ONLY Diamond Level sponsorships include up to 10 minutes of floor time on a liberty topic (subject to NHLA approval; no stumping)
Up to three private tables (18 dinner tickets)
Sponsorship level seating
Placement of your banner at your tables
Literature for your organization on the seats at event
Full page advertisement in event program
Promotion of your organization through NHLA social channels
Personal thank you from the stage
Placement on a “Thank You to Our Sponsors” page and a top banner on the NHLA website for one year